Hufschmid guitar solo competition winner: Simon Engström!

As some of you might know, writing music and playing guitar is one of my biggest hobbies (besides photography of course). Sadly, I’ve had a sort of hiatus from my music during the last 4-5 years, but when I was in Asia this winter I decided to get going again as soon as I got back home. I figured participating in a guitar solo competition would be an excellent incentive to get the fingers flying again, so I entered a competition held by the Swiss guitar artisan Patrick Hufschmid. After a lot of practicing and playing around with both solo concepts and video editing, I managed to create a somewhat quirky entry and sent it in.

I just got contacted by Patrick Hufschmid who told me that I won the competition! Mighty proud right now, especially since I haven’t been playing for several years. A big thanks to Patrick, and Darek Wawrzyniak, for creating this amazing competition. The winning price is a pair of Patrick’s hand made guitar pickups.

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